Ilia BeliaevGetting appointment with IND using TelegramRecently I needed to renew my residence permit for staying in the Netherlands. To do that one needs to schedule a few visits with a…Sep 9, 20221Sep 9, 20221
Ilia BeliaevUsing port 80 on Amazon EC2Recently I was trying to start a small http4k server with Jetty backend on an EC2 instance using standard HTTP port 80. For that to work, a…Mar 15, 2022Mar 15, 2022
Ilia BeliaevMutex with timeout or channels in goRecently I was working on a bug, where the client would disconnect from the server written in go due to request timeout, while the server…Feb 7, 2022Feb 7, 2022
Ilia BeliaevVert.x property delegation with KotlinWrap your JsonObject with Kotlin Delegate.Apr 12, 2021Apr 12, 2021
Ilia BeliaevContextual logging in Vert.xAsynchronous code helps with some problems but brings up the others. How do we add context to our logs in Vert.x?Oct 11, 2020Oct 11, 2020